Pamukkale Hierapolis Ancient City-Denizli


Pamukkale Hierapolis Ancient City-Denizli
Pamukkale, which is included in almost all of the list of must-see places before dying and is visited by around 2 million tourists every year, is one of the places where nature takes on the role of an artist. The discovery of Pamukkale’s charm dates back to the Roman period, when white travertines formed as a result of thermal water contact with the air, forming gradual shapes like a frozen waterfall and creating terraced pools in places.
The majority of the ruins of Pamukkale Hierapolis, which stands right next to Pamukkale travertine in all its glory, are from this period. These remains, along with their unique beauty travertine, are listed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. We are sure that Pamukkale will immediately fascinate you at first sight. 2 thousand years ago, the Kingdom of Pergamon could not resist this appeal and built Hierapolis next to travertine City. During this period, Hierapolis served as a thermal health center and its resources, believed to be medicinal, were visited by people who came from different parts of Anatolia looking for health and beauty for thousands of years. Today, thermal pools continue to be visited in search of beauty and health. You can also enter the waters where the people of the ancient world swam thousands of years ago and enjoy spectacular views of the travertine. But this natural beauty, which takes thousands of years to form, is quite delicate. So only certain parts of it can be wandered and entered. Those who want to stay longer in Pamukkale and take advantage of its healing waters can stay at the thermal facilities located near the ancient city and travertine and enjoy massages, thermal waters and mud baths.
The ancient city of Hierapolis is well preserved and has survived to the present day. The Roman bath, which we can certainly say was visited very often when it was a thermal centre, is now used as an archaeological museum. Here you can see the statues and other remains unearthed during the excavations of Hierapolis and the nearby ancient city. The ancient theatre, temples, monumental fountains, tombs, agora, gymnasium are also in such good condition that you feel that you were in the city of 2 thousand years ago. You will be particularly interested in the stories told about the Ploutonium, believed to be the entrance to Hell in Roman times.
Hierapolis is also a holy settlement in Christian terms. The most important reason for this sanctity is that Phillippus, one of the 12 apostles of Jesus, was killed here and his grave was found here. Martyrium, built by Palace architects in the 5th century, where the Tomb of the saint is located, is one of the holy buildings of Christianity. Other important Christian structures are the 6th century cathedral, which contains the Baptist boat and the bishop’s liturgical sites, and the pole Church, which is dated to the 7th century. Many smaller churches are also scattered throughout the city. All these structures prove that Hierapolis was an important religious center during the Byzantine period.

Where Is The Ancient City Of Hierapolis?
The ancient city of Hierapolis, located 17 kilometers north of Denizli, is named “Holy City” in the Archaeological literature, due to the presence of many known temples and other religious structures in the city. It is debated which old geographical area the city was located in.
Hierapolis is located between its geographical location and the various historical regions surrounding it. The ancient geographer Strabon and Ptolemaios suggest that Hierapolis was a Phrygian city due to its proximity to the cities of Laodikeia and Tripolis, which border the region of Caria. There is no information about the city’s pre-Hellenistic name in ancient sources. It is known because of the cult of the Mother Goddess that a life existed in the city before it was called Hierapolis. Although information about the foundation of the city is limited; King of Pergamon II. By Eumenes II BC. CENTURY. it is known that it was founded in the beginning and that it was named Hierapolis because of Queen Hiera of the Amazons, the wife of Telephos, the legendary founder of Pergamon.
Hierapolis maintained its original texture, adhering to the principles of Hellenistic urbanization, until the great earthquake of the Roman Emperor Neron (60 AD). The city, located on the earthquake belt, suffered great damage from the Neron period earthquake and was completely renovated. After these successive earthquakes, the city lost all its Hellenistic character and took on the appearance of a typical Roman city.
Hierapolis was a very important Center in the Byzantine period after the Roman period. Of this importance, MS IV. being a center of Christianity from the century (metropolis), in 80 AD, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be the center of Christianity. It is due to the murder of Saint Philip, one of the apostles of Jesus. Hierapolis, XII. it passed into the hands of the Turks towards the end of the century.

Sections Of The Ancient City Of Hierapolis
Hierapolis Theatre: the large structure was built on four islands. The central part of the Ima cavea (lower steps) is arranged in the form of a marble exedra for proedria, with high backs and Lion-footed seats for the important people of the city. The stage building has a logeion and a large backstage and is linked to skene. The three layouts of the Skene front are seated on the podium by marble monolith columns, and there is a decorated cornice dedicated to Apollo and Artemis. This magnificent structure, in the time of Emperor Septimius Severus III. it was built in the century by enclosing and destroying the previous phase (Flavius period). It was used until the late Roman period, it is understood from the inscription on the lower face of the arkhitravi, dated to the year 352 AD and the repair of the skene fronsun.
Large bath complex: there are traces that the interior of the structure, whose massive walls and some vaults have survived today, are covered with marble. The plan of the bath is like other typical Roman Baths. First there is a large courtyard at the entrance, a closed rectangular area with large halls on both sides, and later the main bathhouse. On the side wings of the palaestran, two large halls, one in the south and the other in the north, are devoted to the emperor and ceremonies. The remains of the bath complex MS. II. it is dated to the century. The vaulted enclosed spaces adjacent to the large hole are now used as museums.
Frontinus Street: due to its architectural features, this 14 metre wide street (plateia), which is thought to have been built together with the gate, forms the main street of the city.
Agora: after the earthquake that occurred in 60 AD, Frontinus Street was organized as the Hierapolis trade Agora as a result of a large area exchange between the hill slopes to the east.
North Byzantine Gate: the north gate, which is included in the fortification system built in the city of Hierapolis, is named after MS IV. it is dated to the end of the century.
Southern Byzantine gate: MS IV. it was built in the century. It is made with travertine blocks and recirculating material in which it is found in marble.
Gymnasium: a piece of architrave with inscriptions pointing out that the building is a gymnasium on a series of columns draws attention.
Tritonlu Fountain building: the Tritonlu Fountain building is one of the two major monumental buildings in the city, along with the fountain building near the Temple of Apollo.
Ion column titled House: the House is located on a secondary long road leading to the theatre. The original structure is MS II. it is dated as a century.
Latrina: this structure, which was destroyed in the earthquake, has survived with all its parts in ruins. At the base of the long space is a canal that carries sewage water to the sewer on the street. There is a seki built to sit along the inner wall, with holes on it, and a clean water channel has been built in front of the canal carrying the filthy waters for sanitary needs.

Sanctuary of Apollo: the monumental structure is dedicated to the most important deity of Hierapolis. The structure in the inner part of the Podium was previously described as a temple, but later studies revealed it to be a center of prophecy.
Water channels and Nympheums: two aquaducts consisting of canals built on the surrounding hills provide drinking water to the city.
Plutonium: the entrance of the plutonium is on the right side of the temple.
Ramparts: MS V. in the century, as in other cities of the Roman Empire, Hierapolis was the site of MS. According to a law issued in 396, it is surrounded by walls in the north, south and east directions.
Cathedral: it is one of the most important Christian cult buildings in Hierapolis ancient city. The structure is opened with a narthex and atrium to the plateia. Through the door on the right you enter the christening space, the Quadrangular plan, APSE space is divided into 3 nave with columns, the apse section has a round, marble-plated slab, and a baptismal boat with stairs on either side. The fringe was carried by the second series of columns belonging to the section where the women sat. The apse has a multi-edged plan on the outside, rounded on the inside. Inside the main apse is the concentric staircase, the synthronon, where the chaplains and the bishop sit during the liturgy. Building plan I with us medieval repairs.S. VI. it allows us to date to the first half of the century.



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